War & Bull


Available in format A3 or A2

En arènes d’Arles, l’art de la corrida,
air et couleurs torrides, les toréadors
de blanc vêtus, sont prêts au combat,
au zénith jaune, le soleil tape,
rose et rouge, légère sa cape,
il entre, agile et téméraire, le matador,
habit de lumière, brillent broderies d’or.
Vacarme, enragé, la porte il défonce,
masse rutilante,
noire et rugissante,
vers l’homme le taureau fonce,
et la danse guerrière s’allume,
le matador vire et volte, fument
les naseaux de l’animal, il charge,
l’autre, habile, l’évite, avec courage,
les passes s’accélèrent, sort son épée,
précis, il la plante, ici et là, et là, effilée,
éclair strident,
tensions, on sent,
il saute, il empale,
il s’écroule, il râle,
gicle, rouge sang,
brûlante muleta,
la fin de la faena.
Il est vaincu, le taureau,
Victoire sur le taureau.
Il lance son montera,
chapeau rond qui, haut, vole,
le matador, sa joie s’envole.
Les spectateurs respirent.
Suite à Orange, prochain acte.
Bravoure et art en spectacle.

In the arenas of Arles, the art of bullfighting,
torrid air and colors, the toreadors
dressed in white, are ready for battle,
at the yellow zenith, the sun beats down,
pink and red, his cape light,
he enters, agile and reckless, the matador,
dress of light, shines gold embroidery.
Uproar, enraged, the door he breaks down,
glowing mass,
black and roaring,
towards the man the bull rushes,
and the war dance lights up,
the matador turns and turns, smokes
from the nostrils of the animal, he charges,
the other, skillful, avoids it, with courage,
the passes are accelerating, he takes out his sword,
precise, he plants it, here and there, and there, tapered,
shrill lightning,
tensions, we feel,
he jumps, he impales,
he collapses, he groans,
squirts, blood red,
burning muleta,
the end of the faena.
He is defeated, the bull,
Victory over the bull.
He launches his ride,
Throws round hat, which high, flies,
the matador, his joy flies away.
Spectators breathe.
Following is Orange, next act.
Bravery and art in show.

War & Bull

Inspiration Nature

Please contact the artist for order or information.