Violoncelliste mineur

Resin bronze
H25cm x W15cm x D15cm
Edition of 15
Green, iron or dark grey patina; bronze on order

Le violoncelliste se courbe, 
Sa main gauche saisit
l’instrument par le manche,
Il ancre la pointe,
Sa tête se penche vers la volute,
Ses doigts accordent les Do Sol Ré La.
Sa main droite s’empare de l’archet.
C’est l’âme qui amplifie la mélodie.
Le violoncelle fait corps avec le soliste,
le virtuose l’enveloppe, s’impose,
le son, la voix, tout s’entre-mêle,
Un seul corps, mi-solo, mi-cello.
Une seule voix, mi-homme, mi-alto.

The cellist bends down,
His left hand grasps
the instrument by the neck,
It anchors the spike,
His head leans towards the scroll,
His fingers tune the Do Sol Ré La.
His right hand takes hold of the bow.
It is the soul that amplifies the melody.
The cello becomes one with the soloist,
the virtuoso envelops him, imposes himself,
the sound, the voice, everything is intertwined,
One body, half solo, half cello.
One voice, half-man, half-viola.

Violoncelliste mineur

Inspiration Music

Please contact the artist for order or information.