
H15cm x W30cm x D10cm each
Original not for sale
Resin bronze or bronze on order

Tête plongée au sein des bras,
Le dos tel un toboggan,
Les fesses s’ouvrent en corolle,
La vulve est mise à nue.
Reflets triangles parcourent les cuisses,
Triangulaires miroirs qui rejoignent les hanches,
Projetés sur les épaules, les seins.
Un seul triangle ouvert,
Vers un seul pénis virtuel.

Head plunged into the arms,
The back like a slide,
The buttocks open in a corolla,
The vulva is exposed.
Triangular reflections run through the thighs,
Triangular mirrors that meet the hips,
Projected on the shoulders, the breasts.
A single open triangle,
Towards a single virtual penis.


Inspirations Femininity Maternity Family

Please contact the artist for order or information.